Do we all deserve an Easter break?

Richard Lobo
2 min readApr 1, 2021


Photo by: Richard Lobo (me)

It was not until 3 weeks ago, we (me and my wife) had the conversation about our Easter vacation. On usual occasions, pre-pandemic, this conversation is at least 3–4 months earlier. Since 2021 has better hopes compared to its predecessor we thought it was a meaningful conversation. However, this time the holiday travel research had few more factors to be considered which took precedence over our true wishes.

We are a young couple based in Germany, both Software Developers, and to not much of an amuse, our job requires us to be at our desk for all our working hours through the week. And this pandemic has brought a new cult in our profession — Home Office. So an Easter get away was something for us to look forward for in the last months of winter.

The conversation began after reading the news — “The Corona incidents are in a decline overall. We shall finally be able to travel and free our minds from our cluttered depressed thoughts. However, there is an alarm from Mrs. Merkel that lockdown could be forced again as there are some inconsistent decisions made in the last days. Should we still go ahead and think of planning a trip? We deserve an Easter break.”

The talks that crossed across the next minutes had the keywords — local, stay, friends, people count, masks, precaution, crowded cities. And after few minutes it had no more of activity planning but precaution planning for the trip and making calls to know the corona regulations for the places we planned to visit. The summary of the conversation turned out to be, visit a family friend at the other part of the country so that we follow the two household regulation. Select less crowded hours of the day and not visit the places that are mentioned in Tripadvisor but instead visit off-beat places that were just part of some conversation from his local friends.

So now as I write, we have finally packed our bags and looking forward to our new way of celebrating Easter. We are still as excited as all our previous vacations. That excitement hasn’t reduced even by an ounce. The only rule as it was ever before, the healthy we are, the most we can make of our time off from work.

We are using this Easter time to reengerize ourselves and taking our well deserved vacation. Hope you are as well doing the same. Happy Easter!

